to the exciting world of blacksmithing
I started my
journey to become an artisan in 2008, after successfully finishing my studies.
My passion stems from my ancestors, who were also blacksmiths. In my work, I
focus primarily on quality and originality. Everything I make is hand forged,
without using half-products. Besides using the traditional forging methods, I
constantly search for new approaches and techniques.News about
me and my work can be found on this page.
21 grams - Parkgallery Galanta (2023), more information here
Iron - Metamorphosis - Shape - Technologický inkubátor Sládkovičovo (2022), more information here
Podoby kovu - Vlastivedné múzeum Galanta (2021), more information here
Luxembourg Art Prize 2022 - more information here
Luxembourg Art Prize 2023 - more information here
For news click here